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Skin Issues - ilYoung 2023 | 2 September - Skånes Dansteater, Malmö

Skin Issues - ilYoung 2023 | 2 September - Skånes Dansteater, Malmö

ilDance's project-based junior company ilYoung will be touring a new creation in August and September. Skin Issues, created by Israel Aloni with a cast of eight young and emerging artists, will explore the different dimensions and functionalities of skin.

ilDance initiated and operates ilYoung with the goal to prepare young and emerging dancers for the ever-changing and progressing professional contemporary dance sector both in Sweden and abroad.

Tickets available HERE

2 September

Gaga/people class - 2 September at 16.00 | Gothenburg Opera

8 September

Skin Issues - ilYoung 2023 | 8 September - Trixter, Göteborg (Gothenburg Fringe)